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If your business has ever used an Energy Broker, you could have been OVERCHARGED​

Average Refund:

What would that cash mean to your business?

Or see our quick video below to understand more

If your business has ever used an Energy Broker, you could have been OVERCHARGED​

Average Refund:


What would that cash mean to your business?

  • If your business has ever used an energy broker for gas or electricity, you may have a claim.
  • Brokers have been taking undisclosed commissions for years, and our expert team help businesses reclaim overpayments from these mis-sold energy contracts.
  • We have successfully obtained settlements averaging £62,000 for our clients in 2022.

What would £62,000 or more mean to your business?

If your business has ever used an Energy Broker, you could have been OVERCHARGED​

Average Refund:

What would that cash mean to your business?

Or see our quick video below to understand more

If your business has ever used an Energy Broker, you could have been OVERCHARGED​

Average Refund:


What would that cash mean to your business?

  • If your business has ever used an energy broker for gas or electricity, you may have a claim.
  • Brokers have been taking undisclosed commissions for years, and our expert team help businesses reclaim overpayments from these mis-sold energy contracts.
  • We have successfully obtained settlements averaging £62,000 for our clients in 2022.

What would £62,000 or more mean to your business?

Does my Business Qualify?

You keep more of your Money!

Unlike other claims companies who take 30% of your award or more, we only charge for the work we do and a fully disclosed success fee.

No matter how big your claim, our charges are similar, so the more you win the more you keep, AND it costs nothing to make a claim!

It's Easy as 1-2-3 to make a claim


Complete the Qualification Survey

It only takes a minute to find out if your business potentially qualifies to make a claim.


Send your Contract and Bills

We’ll need a few bits of paperwork – we need these to calculate your claim value and we will ask you to appoint us as your claim managers and we co-ordinate everything.


Our experts win your case

Our claims partner will contact you, explain the process, fees and charges. When they win you get paid promptly.

Claim back hidden broker fees

If you have ever used an energy broker to find your gas and electricity supplier, then you will have probably paid the broker a commission without being told.

It’s against the law for brokers to charge you a commission without disclosing it, and we can simply claim this back.

Accountant calculating a business energy rebate

Get your money back

Energy contracts with undisclosed commissions have now been outlawed by Ofgem. Businesses just like yours are successfully claiming thousands of pounds going back many years.

The government wants you to be aware of your rights as an electric and gas customer, and we want to help you recover what is owed to you.

Get your money back – it’s free and easy!

Success Stories


Precision Engineers

Over £200k For A Precision Engineering Company After Corporate Energy Broker Found Guilty Of Energy Mis-Selling.



Due To Win Compensation For Several Sites Across South Yorkshire Region For Laundrette Company.


Hotel Chain

Working With A Well Known Hotel Chain Over The Last 12 Months Looking Into Mass Mis-Selling.


Finding out if you have a claim is free, we take care of everything for you and you ONLY pay us if we are successful. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Find out your claim value today

Energy brokers help businesses and individuals compare and negotiate prices for their electricity and natural gas. Working with a variety of energy suppliers they help their clients find the best rates and terms for their energy consumption.

Brokers also provide advice on energy efficiency and ways to reduce energy costs.

Energy brokers are typically paid a commission by the energy supplier for each successful sale they make, some also offer energy audits and energy management consulting.

Energy brokers are typically paid a commission by the energy supplier for each successful sale they make. The commission is usually through an uplift on the pence per kWh rate AND the Standing Charge.

For example, if a broker helps a business negotiate a one-year electricity contract with a supplier for a total value of £100,000, and the broker’s commission is 5%, the broker receives a commission of £5,000.

In some cases, energy brokers may also charge a fee to their clients for their services, this fee may be a flat rate or a percentage of the total value of the energy contract.

It is important for clients to understand how an their energy broker is being compensated, and this should be explained to clients clearly. This will ensure brokers advice and recommendations are in the clients’ best interests and fully understood.

If we are unsuccessful – nothing!

Unlike most claims companies who charge 30%, our expert legal and case management team will only charge for the work they do and a small success fee which is the same for every case we undertake. This means our clients pay less and keep more when we are successful, which we think is both fairer and makes commercial sense.

Our fees and process will be fully explained to you before you appoint us; when we are successful these charges will be deducted from your award by your lawyer before you are paid.

Yes – although we recommend  you discuss your circumstances with us before you make a claim, to ensure it is to your advantage and to understand your options.

We are currently accepting claims for mis-sold energy contracts going back to the year 2000, but only if you have all the paperwork and contracts we need.

Energy brokers are required to disclose their commissions to their clients to ensure that clients are fully informed about the terms of the energy contracts they are considering. Clearly the commissions that an energy broker receives can influence the broker’s recommendations so they should be disclosed.

Disclosing commission and incentives allows clients to understand the potential conflicts of interest that may exist for the broker; consequently, clients can make more informed decision about which energy contracts to choose.

In addition to disclosing their commissions clearly and unambiguously, energy brokers also have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of their clients.

So, brokers must recommend energy contracts that are in the best interests of their clients, and that are the most competitively priced options available.

Failing to do so is an example of mis-selling, and allows for a  claim in the courts.

When businesses are not fully informed of all the fees and charges associated with contracts by their broker, they may not be able to accurately compare the costs and benefits to all parties  of the options offered.

As a result, clients they may end up choosing an energy contract more expensive than necessary, has unfavourable terms or benefits the broker unfairly.

Energy brokers have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of their clients, including providing complete and accurate information about the energy contracts they offer.

If an energy broker fails to disclose all of the fees and charges associated with an energy contract, or does not explain them in a clear and understandable way, it could be considered mis-selling.

We always advise businesses to carefully review any contracts offered to them by brokers, and to seek independent advice if they feel it necessary.

The length of time it takes to settle your claim will depend on a number of factors, including the specific circumstances of your case and the legal process you choose to pursue.

We have had claims pay out in as little as 6 weeks. In other cases, the process has taken much longer, sometimes several months.

Our team will review your case thoroughly, assessing the validity of your claim, the rough amount you can expect to receive, and its progress – keeping you informed every step of the way.

Unfortunately, without the contracts and sample bills, we can’t move forward with a claim.

If you can’t find your bills and contracts, it’s possible your provider could send them to you, but there is no legal obligation for them to do so.

The best thing to do is search though your old emails and paperwork and locate the original contracts and bills. You also may still be able to log into an online account.

The first thing we need to do is establish you have a valid claim. by looking at the contracts and bills you provide our team will estimate a claim value before we start your claim.

Our average pay back is £62,000 per claim – but every claim is different.

Because do not charge a  percentage of your award, we guarantee our clients will always keep more of their award.

Does my Business Qualify?

You keep more of your Money!

Unlike other claims companies who take 30% of your award or more, we only charge for the work we do and a fully disclosed success fee.

No matter how big your claim, our charges are similar, so the more you win the more you keep, AND it costs nothing to make a claim!

It's Easy as 1-2-3 to make a claim


Complete the Qualification Survey

It only takes a minute to find out if your business potentially qualifies to make a claim.


Send your Contract and Bills

We’ll need a few bits of paperwork – we need these to calculate your claim value and we will ask you to appoint us as your claim managers and we co-ordinate everything.


Our experts win your case

Our claims partner will contact you, explain the process, fees and charges. When they win you get paid promptly.

Claim back hidden broker fees

If you have ever used an energy broker to find your gas and electricity supplier, then you will have probably paid the broker a commission without being told.

It’s against the law for brokers to charge you a commission without disclosing it, and we can simply claim this back.

Accountant calculating a business energy rebate

Get your money back

Energy contracts with undisclosed commissions have now been outlawed by Ofgem. Businesses just like yours are successfully claiming thousands of pounds going back many years.

The government wants you to be aware of your rights as an electric and gas customer, and we want to help you recover what is owed to you.

Get your money back – it’s free and easy!

Success Stories


Precision Engineers

Over £200k For A Precision Engineering Company After Corporate Energy Broker Found Guilty Of Energy Mis-Selling.



Due To Win Compensation For Several Sites Across South Yorkshire Region For Laundrette Company.


Hotel Chain

Working With A Well Known Hotel Chain Over The Last 12 Months Looking Into Mass Mis-Selling.


Finding out if you have a claim is free, we take care of everything for you and you ONLY pay us if we are successful. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose!

Find out your claim value today

Energy brokers help businesses and individuals compare and negotiate prices for their electricity and natural gas. Working with a variety of energy suppliers they help their clients find the best rates and terms for their energy consumption.

Brokers also provide advice on energy efficiency and ways to reduce energy costs.

Energy brokers are typically paid a commission by the energy supplier for each successful sale they make, some also offer energy audits and energy management consulting.

Energy brokers are typically paid a commission by the energy supplier for each successful sale they make. The commission is usually through an uplift on the pence per kWh rate AND the Standing Charge.

For example, if a broker helps a business negotiate a one-year electricity contract with a supplier for a total value of £100,000, and the broker’s commission is 5%, the broker receives a commission of £5,000.

In some cases, energy brokers may also charge a fee to their clients for their services, this fee may be a flat rate or a percentage of the total value of the energy contract.

It is important for clients to understand how an their energy broker is being compensated, and this should be explained to clients clearly. This will ensure brokers advice and recommendations are in the clients’ best interests and fully understood.

If we are unsuccessful – nothing!

Unlike most claims companies who charge 30%, our expert legal and case management team will only charge for the work they do and a small success fee which is the same for every case we undertake. This means our clients pay less and keep more when we are successful, which we think is both fairer and makes commercial sense.

Our fees and process will be fully explained to you before you appoint us; when we are successful these charges will be deducted from your award by your lawyer before you are paid.

Yes – although we recommend  you discuss your circumstances with us before you make a claim, to ensure it is to your advantage and to understand your options.

We are currently accepting claims for mis-sold energy contracts going back to the year 2000, but only if you have all the paperwork and contracts we need.

Energy brokers are required to disclose their commissions to their clients to ensure that clients are fully informed about the terms of the energy contracts they are considering. Clearly the commissions that an energy broker receives can influence the broker’s recommendations so they should be disclosed.

Disclosing commission and incentives allows clients to understand the potential conflicts of interest that may exist for the broker; consequently, clients can make more informed decision about which energy contracts to choose.

In addition to disclosing their commissions clearly and unambiguously, energy brokers also have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of their clients.

So, brokers must recommend energy contracts that are in the best interests of their clients, and that are the most competitively priced options available.

Failing to do so is an example of mis-selling, and allows for a  claim in the courts.

When businesses are not fully informed of all the fees and charges associated with contracts by their broker, they may not be able to accurately compare the costs and benefits to all parties  of the options offered.

As a result, clients they may end up choosing an energy contract more expensive than necessary, has unfavourable terms or benefits the broker unfairly.

Energy brokers have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of their clients, including providing complete and accurate information about the energy contracts they offer.

If an energy broker fails to disclose all of the fees and charges associated with an energy contract, or does not explain them in a clear and understandable way, it could be considered mis-selling.

We always advise businesses to carefully review any contracts offered to them by brokers, and to seek independent advice if they feel it necessary.

The length of time it takes to settle your claim will depend on a number of factors, including the specific circumstances of your case and the legal process you choose to pursue.

We have had claims pay out in as little as 6 weeks. In other cases, the process has taken much longer, sometimes several months.

Our team will review your case thoroughly, assessing the validity of your claim, the rough amount you can expect to receive, and its progress – keeping you informed every step of the way.

Unfortunately, without the contracts and sample bills, we can’t move forward with a claim.

If you can’t find your bills and contracts, it’s possible your provider could send them to you, but there is no legal obligation for them to do so.

The best thing to do is search though your old emails and paperwork and locate the original contracts and bills. You also may still be able to log into an online account.

The first thing we need to do is establish you have a valid claim. by looking at the contracts and bills you provide our team will estimate a claim value before we start your claim.

Our average pay back is £62,000 per claim – but every claim is different.

Because do not charge a  percentage of your award, we guarantee our clients will always keep more of their award.